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Posts by ICR Westwicke

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ICR Westwicke is the largest healthcare focused investor relations firm in the country. We provide customized investor relations programs and independent capital markets advice to small and mid-cap healthcare companies.

What is an 8K and how do you read one?

Posted on June 25th, 2024. Posted by



Form 8-K, also known as an 8K, is a form that is filed by public companies to notify their shareholders and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) when an unscheduled material event takes place. In other words, it’s an announcement that a major event or corporate change that may be of interest to investors has occurred. Form 8K is known as a “current report” and is filed in addition to an annual report on Form 10-K and a quarterly report on Form 10-Q.

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Why Invest in Healthcare: 7 Trends to Watch

Posted on May 8th, 2024. Posted by

In the U.S., healthcare is a $4.3 trillion industry. But beyond its sheer size, there are a range of convincing reasons why the space is worthy of consideration by investors.

During the 2024 Benzinga Virtual Healthcare Summit, ICR Westwicke’s Mark Klausner, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, and Sameer Khambadkone, Partner and Head of Healthcare Capital Markets, discussed emerging trends in the healthcare sector and why investors should consider financing the exciting innovations in the industry.

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10 Ways to Prep for the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference

Posted on November 16th, 2023. Posted by

Each year, the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference provides a critical opportunity to meet with analysts, investors, and other leaders in the healthcare industry. However, making the most of the conference takes preparation.

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Do You Have a Review Process for Public Communication?

Posted on April 4th, 2023. Posted by

Because investor relations and public relations do not have the same audience, the same objectives, and often do not report to the same supervisor within a given company, they frequently work in isolated silos with limited interaction. But there is a need for collaboration between the information “silos” that exist within some organizations, especially in publicly traded companies and private companies preparing for an IPO. For these types of companies, it’s important to establish — and stick to — an internal control process for issuing public information.

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2023 MedTech Trends: Inflation, Valuation, Labor Market & More

Posted on January 19th, 2023. Posted by

Female lab tech looking through microscope

As the MedTech and broader healthcare investment community returns from the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference and embarks on a new year, our experts provide insight and perspective on the key topics and variables that will influence activity in 2023.

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2023 – A Strategy for Biotechs to Navigate the New Year Successfully

Posted on January 12th, 2023. Posted by

Biotech lab technicians looking into microscope wearing scrubs

Innovation, progress in clinical trials, and new breakthrough therapies have been and will continue to be the bedrock of value creation for investors in the biotech sector. We expect the sector will announce strong achievements in 2023, but investors may react with restraint as we have seen in 2022, which led to generally poor stock performance. A continuation of rising interest rates, ongoing Congressional scrutiny over drug pricing, and a subdued financing environment will be just a few of the headwinds the sector must contend with as we move through 2023. This underscores the need for a back-to-basics investor relations strategy that should position companies for the challenges that lie ahead. A well-planned investor relations strategy should include the following:

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Biotech Investment Trends: Perspectives from the Sell Side

Posted on October 25th, 2022. Posted by

close up of pipette in a laboratory

After a significant biotech boom over the last few years, the market has quieted. What does that mean for companies that want to pursue an IPO, and what are banks and analysts looking for in potential investments? 

To gain perspective on the current biotech investment landscape and sector outlook, ICR Westwicke recently hosted a webinar, “ICR Healthcare Symposium: Biotech Investment Landscape – Sell-Side Perspective.” During the event, ICR Westwicke’s Chris Brinzey and Brandon Weiner spoke with Josh Schimmer, Evercore ISI fundamental research analyst, and Andrew Tsai, Jefferies analyst, about the latest investment trends in biotech and how companies considering an IPO can position themselves for a favorable investment profile.  

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5 Benefits of Proper Earnings Call Preparation

Posted on September 7th, 2022. Posted by

Businessman dialing phone number on corporate desk phone close up on hand

While quarterly earnings calls may happen routinely, they should be anything but routine. Earnings calls are your opportunity to tell your story to the world — and they’re one of the few times each year you have the chance to capture the undivided attention of your analysts and investors. So, it’s essential to make these calls count.

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Biotech Investor Relations: Six Burning Questions Answered

Posted on July 11th, 2022. Posted by

Biotech Investor Relations: Six Burning Questions Answered

We have always found it interesting to discover what’s on people’s minds and delve into what keeps them up at night. So, we thought it would be useful to share the questions we have received recently from a mix of public and private biotech management teams, along with our responses.

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Disclosing clinical trial data: public or private, the pressure is on

Posted on May 17th, 2022. Posted by

doctor writing info about clinical trial on clipboard

For every healthcare company, public or private, the anticipation of clinical trial data represents an important, high-pressure milestone in its communications planning. For a public company, there is an obligation to disclose data within a reasonable timeframe. For a private company, while there isn’t an obligation to shareholders, there is pressure from private investors, the medical community, advocates, and even patients.

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Have News to Release?

Find out whether you should file a Form 8-K, issue a press release, or do both by using our easy-to-reference chart, “Form 8K vs. Press Release: What’s the Difference?

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