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ICR Westwicke Blog

The ICR Westwicke Blog is designed to deliver information and insights into the ever-changing world of healthcare communications.

Maintaining a “Future IPO” Mindset in Health and Life Sciences

Posted on July 31st, 2023. Posted by

Mature financial analyst telling company development strategy on presentation using computer technology

In 2019, I wrote a piece on Why You Need an IPO Communications Strategy Well Before the IPO.  That was before a pandemic, during which time the healthcare industry experienced a breakthrough year of SPACs and IPOs, only to be followed by an austere 18+ months of market uncertainty.  Add rising interest rates and a tough fundraising environment, and going public is now often a conversation that stays on the shelf.  But the outlook may be looking brighter and the life sciences industry is showing a heartbeat.

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Why Some Companies Don’t Provide Guidance — and Why You Should

Posted on June 26th, 2023. Posted by


Some management teams assume — incorrectly — that they can play it safe by withholding financial guidance, believing they can’t miss estimates they don’t provide. To the contrary, companies may inadvertently limit their Street credibility by opting out of earnings forecasts and, at the same time, miss an opportunity to manage investor expectations.

Investors judge financial results against analysts’ consensus estimates even if a company doesn’t provide projection, so it makes sense for leadership to set expectations themselves and provide some guardrails. Perhaps more importantly, formal earnings guidance signals management’s confidence in the company’s growth and stability.

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Don’t Be Caught Unprepared: How to Develop a Crisis Communications Plan

Posted on June 20th, 2023. Posted by

Planning, serious and crisis with business people in meeting for idea, documents and negotiation. Collaboration, data and leadership with employees in office for project management and brainstorming

Any company, no matter how diligent, can find itself suddenly thrust into a crisis due to internal or external factors. Incidents ranging from a product safety recall to a downturn in industry funding or worldwide health emergency have the potential to disrupt operations or threaten a company’s reputation. Stakeholders, whether customers, shareholders, partners or employees, will want to know immediately what happened and how it affects them. In today’s age of social media and instantaneous digital communication, companies need to be prepared to address a crisis immediately before someone else defines what it means for their stakeholders.

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Get the Most Out of the ASCO Annual Meeting: 10 Tips

Posted on May 18th, 2023. Posted by

group of businesspeople having an informal office meeting

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting provides a unique opportunity to connect with oncology professionals, major media outlets, and other industry representatives from across the globe. It’s undeniably one of the most important conferences for the oncology community every year.

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The Value of Choosing the Right Healthcare Communications Partner

Posted on April 26th, 2023. Posted by

Woman doctor shaking hand with businessman in office

In a search for a healthcare communications partner, one public relations agency’s proposal begins to look just like another’s. Smiling headshots, decades of experience, strong communications skills, great media relations programs, all promising great results for a low fee. With so many similarities, how are you supposed to know which one is the best fit for your company?

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Do You Have a Review Process for Public Communication?

Posted on April 4th, 2023. Posted by

Because investor relations and public relations do not have the same audience, the same objectives, and often do not report to the same supervisor within a given company, they frequently work in isolated silos with limited interaction. But there is a need for collaboration between the information “silos” that exist within some organizations, especially in publicly traded companies and private companies preparing for an IPO. For these types of companies, it’s important to establish — and stick to — an internal control process for issuing public information.

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How SVB’s Fall Could Impact Healthcare Innovation

Posted on March 21st, 2023. Posted by

Scientist wearing face mask and analyzing chemicals in medical research laboratory

While SVB was the 16th largest U.S. bank and second-largest bank failure in U.S. history before it closed last week, those numbers don’t tell the whole story.

SVB was the bank for tech, biotech, digital health companies and venture capital firms, banking with nearly half of U.S. venture-backed healthcare and tech IPOs, as well as nearly half of venture-backed tech and life sciences companies. It was popular with startups and venture funds because it can be more difficult for early-stage companies to get loans from larger, more established banks. SVB made a point of being seen as a friendly lender to innovative companies.

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How to Craft Communications as the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Ends

Posted on March 15th, 2023. Posted by

Restaurant employee wearing mask and cleaning off table with antibacterial spray

In May, the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) that was officially declared more than three years ago will officially end. COVID-19 has killed about 1.1 million Americans and is still responsible for the deaths of between 2,500 and 3,500 Americans every week.

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2023 MedTech Trends: Inflation, Valuation, Labor Market & More

Posted on January 19th, 2023. Posted by

Female lab tech looking through microscope

As the MedTech and broader healthcare investment community returns from the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference and embarks on a new year, our experts provide insight and perspective on the key topics and variables that will influence activity in 2023.

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2023 – A Strategy for Biotechs to Navigate the New Year Successfully

Posted on January 12th, 2023. Posted by

Biotech lab technicians looking into microscope wearing scrubs

Innovation, progress in clinical trials, and new breakthrough therapies have been and will continue to be the bedrock of value creation for investors in the biotech sector. We expect the sector will announce strong achievements in 2023, but investors may react with restraint as we have seen in 2022, which led to generally poor stock performance. A continuation of rising interest rates, ongoing Congressional scrutiny over drug pricing, and a subdued financing environment will be just a few of the headwinds the sector must contend with as we move through 2023. This underscores the need for a back-to-basics investor relations strategy that should position companies for the challenges that lie ahead. A well-planned investor relations strategy should include the following:

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Have News to Release?

Find out whether you should file a Form 8-K, issue a press release, or do both by using our easy-to-reference chart, “Form 8K vs. Press Release: What’s the Difference?

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