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Posts by Kate Coyle

Kate Coyle

Kate has over 18 years of communications and marketing experience developing and implementing corporate and integrated campaigns, disease awareness efforts, product launches, managing issues and engaging thought leaders to align opinions. Her expertise includes corporate, franchise and product branding, messaging and issues.

Ready to Boost Your Healthcare PR Presence in 2H 2024?

Posted on July 25th, 2024. Posted by

I recently attended the Jefferies Healthcare conference to support my healthcare PR clients and network with some of the most innovative healthcare leaders in the nation.  While there, I had the opportunity to listen to numerous company presentations. Presenters always want to know what resonated in their message, what they could do better and what tips I can share to help them today. Here are some top recommendations to build awareness, connect with your audience and elevate your healthcare PR presence in 2024 and beyond.

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The JPM Healthcare Media Maze: Crafting a Winning Approach

Posted on November 14th, 2023. Posted by

Pipette adding fluid to one of several test tubes

In less than two months, seasoned investors, influential media, game changing startups and established industry giants will convene at the 42nd Annual JP Morgan Healthcare Conference. Continue Reading

Is the Biotech IPO Market Coming Back? How to Prepare

Posted on August 23rd, 2022. Posted by

Lab worker looking into microscope in biotech lab

The second quarter of 2022 was the weakest quarter for healthcare and biotech IPOs in more than five years. Some media headlines have predicted that it marked the bottom of the biotech market. 

The XBI biotech index fund, which serves as an index for many companies that are eyeing a public debut, peaked in January 2021 followed by a fairly steady 16-month decline. But now, the XBI is on the rise. While it’s too soon to know if the XBI rise that kicked off in July 2022 will continue to mirror the rise that drove its 2021 peak, the climb appears to be signaling a comeback of healthcare and biotech IPOs.  

If you’re watching the fund, you might now be considering reviving your plans to take your company public.

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Healthcare Communications: The Impact of the Pandemic

Posted on November 16th, 2020. Posted by

Healthcare Communications: The Impact of the Pandemic

After nearly 20 years of working in healthcare communications, the excitement never gets old for me. What’s not to love about an industry that’s critical to life itself, rife with issues and controversy, and delivers a solid dose of the unexpected on a daily basis?
In my mind, a highlight is the problem solving our job requires every day. Whether pursuing an opportunity, managing an issue or leveraging an insight, it’s our responsibility to chart the path forward on behalf of our clients.

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